Wednesday, January 16

'I'd go to a banquet in honor of those Somali pirates if they served bacon wrapped shrimp"

I'm sorry I have nothing to blog. I thought it would be a good idea to give myself four million projects to complete by the end of January. One of them is outright ridiculous but anyway, when I'm not scribbling, I'm watching every Ron Swanson clip on Youtube. The man destroys me. Dessssssssssstrroys me. And Leslie makes me crave waffles constantly. Seriously, my love for Parks and Rec knows no bounds. I literally did nothing but watch Seasons 3 and 4 back to back two weekends ago. It was great. What's hot DJ Roomba!? Yeah, I keep referencing P and R and everyone's like, "What now?" Please tell me some of you are fans!

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